FIERA MILANO CONGRESSI is committed to ensuring a culture of transparency and legality, creating an open and constructive environment in which its employees, collaborators, shareholders, suppliers, customers and, more generally, all stakeholders, can report, in good faith, any behavior - commissive or omissive - carried out within FIERA MILANO CONGRESSI or in relations with it, which violates (or induces violation of) the applicable regulations, its own policies and procedures, the principles and rules of conduct contained in the Code of Ethics and in the provisions of the Organisational and Management Model referred to the Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 adopted by the Company, or which may cause economic damage to FIERA MILANO CONGRESSI itself.
In managing reports, FIERA MILANO CONGRESSI undertakes to respect the principles of confidentiality, proportionality and impartiality, to recognize the good faith of the whistleblowers and to guarantee their anonymity.
Furthermore, FIERA MILANO CONGRESSI does not tolerate any form of threat, retaliation or discrimination - actual or attempted - towards the subjects involved in the reports.
The platform dedicated to reporting can be reached at the following link: https://fieramilanocongressi.acaraweb.it
For any further information, please refer to the Whistleblowing Procedure adopted by the company, available here